Frequently Asked Questions about the MyImportantLegalDocs Legal Forms Service
- Why do I need to register?
- How do I register?
- What if I forget my password?
- How do I change my password?
- Completing Forms Online
- How are legal documents created?
- I don't understand what a question means or is referring to.
- I have a red asterisk next to a question group after completing my document. What does this mean?
- How do I print my document?
- My account, My services, My documents - Tell me more!
- Web site Safety and Security. Is your web site secure?
- How are my documents generated? Are they instantly available?
Why do I need to register?
To help safeguard all confidential client information, and to save your answers in case you cannot complete your Questionnaire in one session, we must require you to register and login to the MyImportantLegalDocs safe and secure client portal. You can register and start answering questions in the questionnaire without making payment until you are finished.
How do I register?
You will be prompted to register if you are a new customer when you start the process. Registration just requires your e-mail address and you must create a username and password so you can accessyour secure account at any time.
What if I forgot my password?
Not a problem. Click the "Forgot Password?" link login page, and we will email the password to the email you used while registering.
How do I change my password?
When logged in to MyImportantLegalDocs safe and secure client portal click on "My Account" in the top menu bar and verify your e-mail address is correct. Under the "Update" button you will see a blue "Click here" to change your password link, then you will be prompted to enter your old password and new password to change it.
How do I complete my forms?
- Choose a Legal Form - Choose a document and enter your information in the Online questionnaire. You can save your data at any time. You can sign out and come back at a later time and finish your documents.
- When you have finished answering all the questions, you can print the form though this website. You can also download the form to your home computer.
- Access your secure account every time you sign in, with your e-mail address and password. Continue to complete your questionnaire.
How are legal documents created?
Your documents are created with the help of our intelligent document automation technology, which asks you a series of easy-to-answer questions that tailor themselves to your circumstances. Each question is accompanied with explanatory notes designed to provide you with the information needed to answer the question correctly.
The information you enter will be stored securely online, allowing you to access and complete the questionnaire at any time. [back to top]
I don't understand what a question means or is referring to.
Most questions are accompanied by explanatory notes designed to provide you with the information needed to answer the question correctly. A small "?" (question mark) icon by any question indicates that there is explanatory text to help you answer a question. Click on the "?" to see the help text; click on the "?" again to close the help text pop up box.
I have a red asterisk next to a questions group after completing my document. What does this mean?
If you have a red asterisk next to a questions group, this shows that you have missed answering a question. Double click on the questions group to view and complete any unanswered questions. Questions specifically listed as "optional" or that have help text indicating the question may be skipped or left blank, can remain unanswered. Otherwise, complete required questions to ensure the accuracy of your document.
How do I print my document?
Once you have logged into your account you will see a list of paid and completed documents under the Document tab. Click on the assembled document directly and you can print a copy.
My Account, Types of Services, Tell me more!
My account: Contains the personal details you entered when you registered. From this section of the site you are able to view and/or amend any of these details.
My Documents: Contains an overview of Documents you have access to.
Safety and Security of Web Site. Is your Web Site secure?
We utilize the same level of protection and security that is used by banks and required by our national insurance company clients. Through our secure, state-of-the-art hosting facilities, our clients receive the highest data protection commercially available.
We provide an integrated system that allows authorized parties in and keeps everyone else out through the use of:
- Firewalls to prevent unauthorized access;
- SSL encryption to keep documents secure;
- U.S. government-standard 256-bit AES encryption;
- Site certificates to verify server identities;
- Secure IDs to verify user identity;
- Windows security to keep network logins locked up;
- Intrusion protection against login attempt and unauthorized transmissions; and Off-site data storage.
How are my documents generated? Are they instantly available?
Your documents are instantly available as soon as you select the Submit button. You just have to go to a cash register, pay, and they documents will be printed out for no additional cost.
Your documents are generated by an intelligent document automation system called Rapidocs. All of the legal forms are created by U.S. lawyers.